Monthly Archives: August 2014

NEWS, and NEW STUFF on my website!

Well folks, I’ve gotten pretty settled into the Nashville scene, playing around with Gracie and Joey, playing with other songwriters, sitting in with bands down on Broadway, and overall having a great time.

Before I talk about the new record I’m working on, I just wanted to draw attention to some of the changes on this site. I’ve updated everything. I’ve added a page to buy my EASTBOUND EP, as well as the old Radio Empire record “Wishing Well,” and you can find that stuff here. I’ve added an “experience highlights” page, which is essentially my online musical résumé here, a “samples” page for anyone interested in hearing/seeing some of my work if they were interested in hiring me, which can be accessed here, as well as an “education” page, with some information on the degree programs I have completed in music. Click around, let me know what you think in comments, or shoot me an e-mail at

Now, for the fun stuff.

Soon, I plan on using this site to post video blog entries periodically – and they won’t always be musically related. This will be to keep anyone who’s paying attention up-to-date on what’s going on in my brain.

Lastly, I am working on an original record of country-influenced originals. Don’t think anything too crazy, though: in fact, I don’t believe there will be even one reference to pickup trucks or beer on my record. I’m going in a darker direction: think about what might happen if the guy from Radio Empire (me) decided to mellow out a whole lot and write a bunch of songs alternative country songs. I’m heavily influenced by country artists such as Garth Brooks and Hank Williams, but also the lyrical approach of artists such as Say Anything and Brand New. I’m excited to hear how it turns out when all is said and done. Stay tuned, and expect periodic updates.